Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Miley Cyrus may sue over sex doll!

"The teen star is said to be so upset by the Finally Mylie love doll that she is planning to sue the company responsible.

But the blow-up effigy — which boasts "3 achey love holes" — has flown off the shelves.

Kevin Johnson of Pipedream Products, the company behind the doll, said: "We are completely sold out already — it's been on the market for less than 48 hours."

The wayward Disney star, 18, is not the first celebrity to be recreated as a sex toy.

Some have been removed from sale "for legal reasons".

But despite rumours of Miley's pending lawsuit, the company is yet to remove the doll from the market.

Johnson said: "We haven't received a cease and desist letter from her attorneys yet, but I have seen those rumours circling online.

"That probably means it will happen soon enough."

The Finally Miley Love Doll has been selling on Amazon for $27.49 (£17) in the US."

Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage...-sex-doll.html

I laughed quite a lot, your thoughts? :)


  1. eh too bad they are sold out :D

  2. Bahah, loved the inclusion of "3 achey love holes".
    Keep it up!

  3. Just one thing: sex sells, and she knows that. If anything she should try and get full rights to the doll and make a profit! Great post, mate; following!

  4. ....wh-....what does the doll look like? N-not that I'm interested mind you...just curious :I

  5. Achey love holes... thats how they call it today.

  6. I agree with Wumbo, she schould maybe sue them for her image, but then getting the rights on that product and profit.

  7. this was the last person i'd expect to see as a sex doll.

  8. Does she own the rights to the name 'Miley', and the word 'achey'? It's obvious who it's meant to portray, but they haven't used her actual image...

  9. It's so freaking cool to see Miley sex doll. This is the perfect chance to pull a prank on your mates.

  10. lol nice that's what she deserves :D

  11. LOL I knew I wouldn't be let down coming to this blog! It looks pretty hot too. They did a good job on the boobs.

  12. She's probably mad they didn't ask her to model for the doll.

  13. i bet she's feeling pretty crunchy :P.. lol keep up the good blogs friend :]

  14. That guy I know kinda knows a guy who owns one. Lol. I found out today!

  15. Hehe... Nice way of spending money :)

  16. hahaha this is hilarious, I hope people buy it

  17. Now her lawyers are probably waiting for the company to accumulate profit, which they will then take from it in a lawsuit, thus lack of the cease and desist letter yet.

  18. Haha, hilarious ! I would use one tho :D

    Following, funny stuff.

  19. Guess it'll be a rare item soon :p

  20. i see no problem with that item at all.. i want one one for myself lol

  21. Wow they are sold out? Aww I wanted one haha!
